VEX Robotics Competition Categories

VEX Robotics competitions are designed to bring out the best in creativity, problem-solving, and teamwork as students compete to design and build robots to solve a unique challenge. The competition caters to students from elementary to university levels.


Elementary & Middle School

Game overview
Game Manual and Resources

VEX IQ Robotics Competition Rapid Relay is played on a 6’ x 8’ rectangular field configured as seen above. Two robots compete in the Teamwork Challenge as an alliance in 60 second long teamwork matches, working collaboratively to score points.
Teams also compete in the Robot Skills Challenge where one robot takes the field to score as many points as possible. These matches consist of Driving Skills Matches, which will be entirely driver controlled, and Autonomous Coding Skills Matches, which will be autonomous with limited human interaction.

Age Group: 8 - 14 years


Middle & High school

Game overview
Game Manual and Resources

VEX V5 Robotics Competition High Stakes is played on a 12’ x 12’ square field configured as seen above. Two (2) Alliances – one (1) “red” and one (1) “blue” – composed of two (2) Teams each, compete in matches consisting of a fifteen (15) second Autonomous Period, followed by a one minute and forty-five second (1:45) Driver Controlled Period.
The object of the game is to attain a higher score than the opposing Alliance by Scoring Rings on Stakes, Placing Mobile Goals, and by Climbing at the end of the Match.

Age Group: 14 - 18 years



Game overview
Game Manual and Resources

More than 200 teams compete in the VEX U Robotics Competition (VURC) annually. Based on the VEX V5 Robotics Competition (V5RC), VURC teams are allowed more customization and greater flexibility than traditional V5RC teams, while providing the effective costs and real-world limitations of a restricted development environment.

Age Group: 17+ years

What do you need?

Team of 2 or more

VEX Students Start Here


VEX Coaches Start here

VEX Robot

All VEX Equipments can be found here

Awards and Recognition

The Kuwait National Robotics Competition recognizes excellence in design, innovation, and teamwork. Below are some of the awards given to outstanding teams:

Top All Around Team (Robot Performance and Judged)
The Excellence Award recognizes overall excellence in both the Judged Award and the Performance Award categories. The Excellence Award incorporates all the criteria of the Design Award, plus the added component of a team’s on-field performance at the event. The Excellence Award is a required award if judging is being conducted at an event.
Key criteria of the Excellence Award are:
  • Be at or near the top of all Engineering Notebook Rubric rankings.
  • Exhibit a high-quality team interview.
  • Be ranked in the top 30% of teams at the conclusion of qualifying matches.
  • Be ranked in the top 30% of teams at the conclusion of the Robot Skills Challenges
  • Be ranked in the top 30% of Autonomous Coding Challenge rankings at the conclusion of the Robot Skills Challenges
  • Be a candidate in consideration for other Judged Awards
  • Exhibit positive team conduct, good sportsmanship, and professionalism.

1st Place Finals Match Alliance (Robot Performance)
These awards are based on team performance on the field and not determined by Judges. The Tournament Champions Award is presented to each of the two teams on the 1st Place Finals Match alliance of the event.

Team with most effective and efficient robot design process (Judged)
The Design Award recognizes an organized and professional approach to the Engineering Design Process, project and time management, and team organization. Student demonstration of the Engineering Design Process is fundamental to the educational value of REC Foundation programs. The Design Award recognizes a team's ability to document and explain their Engineering Design Process via an Engineering Notebook and Team Interview. The Design Award is a required award if judging is being conducted at an event.
Key criteria of the Design Award are:
  • Be at or near the top of Engineering Notebook Rubric rankings
  • Exhibit a high-quality team interview.
  • Engineering Notebook demonstrates clear, complete, and organized record of an iterative Engineering Design Process
  • Team demonstrates effective management of time, talent, and resources.
  • Team interview demonstrates their ability to explain their robot design and game strategy.
  • Team interview demonstrates effective communication skills, teamwork, and professionalism.
  • Engineering Notebook and Team Interview demonstrate a student-centered ethos.

Team with highest combined top Programming and top Driving Skills Challenge score (Robot Performance)
The Robot Skills Champion Award is presented to the team with the highest combined Programming Skills Challenge and Driving Skills Challenge score. A team’s combined score will be determined by adding their highest Programming Skills score and their highest Driving Skills score at a single event. Teams competing in only one of the two skills challenges will receive a zero score in the challenge in which they did not participate.

Awarded to the team that excels in collaboration and teamwork during the competition.

Team deserving recognition from Judges for special accomplishments (Judged)
The Judges Award recognizes attributes that may not fit in other award categories and the Judges felt were deserving of special recognition. The Judges Award is a required award if Judging is being conducted at an event.
Key criteria of the Judges Award are:
  • Team displays special attributes, exemplary effort, or perseverance at the event.
  • Team overcomes an obstacle or challenge and achieves a goal or special accomplishment.
  • Team interview demonstrates effective communication skills, teamwork, professionalism, and a student-centered ethos.

Register your team here

Please fill the registration form for each team in your school. Schools may have more than one team participating in different categories. However, a coach must be appointed to one competition. Team members and students list will be communicated later on with the organizing committee

Registration Ended